What Every Owner Must Know

Working with live animals requires a great deal of skill.  Some pets are more skittish or wiggly than others and always have to move to see what’s happening elsewhere.  Each dog is every breed is unique.  For these reasons there is always a risk of nicking or cutting the animal accidentally, even when the greatest of care is used by a very experienced groomer.

These are common post-grooming conditions that all pet owners should be aware of:

Picking Up Your Pet

We attempt in every way to have your pet ready at the appointed time.  Due to the special nature of working with live pets things don’t always go as scheduled.  Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated.

Clipper Burn
The clipping process can cause irritation and/or redness on pets with sensitive skin.  This condition is not caused by the clippers becoming too hot; rather it may be the length of the blade being used that will cause the reaction.  Because some animals have very sensitive skin, adjusting the blade length will alleviate the problem in most pets.  If you see redness on your pet’s skin, be sure to let us know so we can adjust the blade length on future grooming visits.

Nail Bleeding

When nails are clipped, even by a veterinarian, a common condition called “quicked” can occur.  A small vein is sometimes cut, causing bleeding (this wouldn’t happen if dogs weren’t dogs and sat perfectly still).  If the bleeding starts after you get home, we suggest you apply baking soda to help stop the bleeding.

Head Shaking
Removal of the hair and mats from the ears creates a different sensation to the animal and the general response is shaking.  Removing the hair and wax from your pet’s ear is a very important process in maintaining your pet’s health.  We are not vets so we can only clean so deep.  Extra ear cleaner will drip further down and loosen deeper wax which your pet may shake out.  Because you may see wax does not mean we didn’t properly clean your pet’s ear.

Here are a few responses your pet may itch after grooming.  When a pet is clipped it will experience the same type of itching a person would after a haircut.  The pet could have a pre-existing condition from flea bites, hot spots, allergies or your pet could just be bored or experiencing stress from their environment changing (moving, holidays etc).  In rare cases your pet may be allergic to the shampoo. If this is the reason we can use an alternative shampoo. Remember that we are groomers not vets.

Pet Fear
Pets are like children in that they do not like to have their owners leave them.  They show fear that can be stressful to some owners.  Be assured that once you leave the shop, they tend to relax and adjust to their new surroundings very quickly.  Heavily matted pets experience more stress than pets that are less matted.  Be a thoughtful owner and have your pet groomed on a regular schedule that will become an event both you and your pet can look forward to, rather than dread.

Is the Cut Right?
When you instruct us regarding the type of cut you would like your pet to have, we interpret your instructions and hopefully the look is just as you described.   If the cut is not as you desired, please let us know.  Our goal is to provide the cut exactly as you have requested. Exceptions do apply: see Matted Pets.

Matted Pets
De-matting a pet can be a very painful process.  We all groom because we love animals (we became groomers to help your pets not to hurt them, so please don’t make us hurt them by excessive de-matting).  We will honor your instructions but sometimes we may choose not to proceed, not for any cost and we may give your pet a shorter haircut. It is much more humane to cut the hair shorter and let the hair grow back in.  After this you can get your pet groomed on a regular schedule to avoid the matting.  Matted hair is major contributor to skin problems.  Matted fur holds moisture against the skin and can cause redness and irritation. Matted fur can also be a haven for fleas and debris.

Matting is a very serious problem for dogs.  Mats left in a dog’s coat only grow tighter and can damage the skin or even tear it open.  Mats are often deceptive, hiding in areas that don’t get much visual attention from owners, such as under the belly, under the tail and in the ‘armpit’ area.  These mats can trap moisture, urine and fecal matter tightly against the pet’s skin, allowing mold, fungus or bacteria to grow.  It can also cause skin irritations that can be very uncomfortable for your dog. 

Sometimes we can brush out the mats and save the pets coat; however, this is a time consuming and painful process for the dog.  If the comfort and well-being of the dog is in doubt, we will err on the side of the dog, removing the coat (shaving the dog down) and starting over.

Pets with matted coats need extra time and attention during grooming.  We use extreme care when removing a badly matted coat, but there are risks involved.  Some of those risks include nicks, cuts or abrasions due to warts, moles and skin trapped in the mats.  Aftereffects of mat removal can include itchiness, skin redness, self-inflicted irritation and failure of the hair to regrow.  Shaved pets are also more at risk of sunburn and should be protected from the sun until the hair has grown sufficiently to protect the skin.  In some cases, brief behavioral changes may be seen, but the vast majority of matted dogs show immense relief and happiness after removal of a matted coat.

Prevention is by far the best defense against matting.  By scheduling regular grooming appointments we can help with mat prevention. We are also always happy to demonstrate proper brushing techniques for at home as well.

                                                               We reserve the right to shave mats as needed!

Grooming For All Seasons
The thought of a human wearing a fur coat and not maintaining good hygiene is not a pleasant one.  And the same goes for our furry friends.  They too need year round grooming to maintain their good health.  The misconception that dogs should not be groomed in the winter is untrue.  Dry heat in homes can be tough on our hair and skin and can be tough on your pets’ also.  The layer of fat between your pets muscle and skin is the true insulator so if your pet is matted it is better to clip your pet short than to let the matting cause skin and health problems, even in the coldest weather.  Hair that accumulates in the pads of your dog’s feet can pick up foreign objects, become matted and hold moisture between the pads.  Have you ever walked around with rocks in wet shoes?  Sounds uncomfortable doesn’t it?

Loving Care
We are in this business because we love and deeply care for the animals that we service here at Puppy Loves Grooming.  Be assured that the welfare of your very special pet is our biggest concern.  Your trust and continued patronage is the very nicest compliment you can give.  We will continue to work hard to earn and deserve the trust you place in our ability to care for your pet.  If you have any questions or comments please call 785-628-1789.